A primer into using signature transform for modeling drawdowns
Published on November 01, 2021 by Emiel Lemahieu
Signature transform Drawdowns
1 min READ
My other projects hinge on the concepts of paths and path signatures as prerequisites. In the words of Terry Lyons1:
The key idea behind signatures is to stop thinking about a path as a quantity evolving over time, but rather as an object that you can query over intervals. As one queries these intervals, one gets a natural description about what happens with the system at different time scales.
The primer (based on Chevyrev et al. 2016) compiles my notes from a literature review on the signature transform, and includes two examples related to portfolio drawdown:
Download the pdf below:
Signatures for drawdown paths: A primer.
Reference to this quote and highly recommended is this introduction to signatures and rough path theory given by Terry Lyons at the Royal Statistical Society in 2022 included above. ↩